About Jack In The Socks

Growing up, I was often teased about the size and shape of my feet.  To camoflague that problem, I would wear bright and colorful socks. They were often the topic of conversation – no one noticed my odd shaped feet and if they did it wasn’t mentioned – my socks were a hit!  I would often ask for “funky” socks for birthday and Christmas gifts. Unfortunately not everyone knows what “funky” means.

I have socks that are only worn on game day in support of my favorite teams.  After each game, they are washed and put back in my sock drawer until the next game.  Viva Brasil!!!!

 Three years ago I started a family tradition. Everyone has to wear Christmas-themed socks on Christmas day.  I give socks as stocking stuffers and keep extras on hand for everyone that conveniently forgets to dress up their feet.

I would often get ticked off when the dryer ate one of my favorite socks.  I would save the surviving sock in hope that the other one would find it’s way back to the sock drawer. Then I noticed my daughter wearing socks that didn’t match. She wasn't trying to be trendy – she just didn’t care.  So I started wearing mix and matched socks.

 Whether you wear socks that match or not, we hope that you will join our mission to banish plain, boring socks from sock drawers everywhere - one forgettable pair at a time.   

Take a walk on the bright side – your feet will love you for it…